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Meghan Rosing

Madison WI

Art Mediums

  • Mixed Media


Since childhood, I’ve always been happiest when making something. I have been a college writing teacher, a Montessori preschool teacher, and even earned a PhD in Victorian children’s literature. All of these lives inspire me to make art that reimagines the hodgepodge of fairy tales, poetry, children’s stories, and Victorian novels that live in my head. I love working with ink and a dip pen because dipping my pen into a bottle of ink and drawing it across the paper is an insistently physical act. Each tremble of my hand leaves a blot or inky trace, grounding me in the very humble and human work of coaxing my inner world to come alive on paper. I add further texture to my ink drawings with collage elements, tearing up pages from old books and layering them over my drawings. The layers of overlapping collage evoke the many layers of narratives that inspire my work, especially the folk tales that have been told through the centuries, with each teller adding their own layer to the story.


Artistic Work