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Dee Relyea

Madison WI

Art Mediums

  • Acrylic


Artist Statement: There is dance of shape, textures, color, and light in painting that I find to be meditative and timeless. I am drawn to the transcendence of light in nature and am inspired by the works of Johannes Vermeer, Van Gogh and Monet. I like bright vibrant colors and often use my own photography and my collage work in creating a composition. My landscapes frequently include animals with personalities, and sometimes mythical creatures and fantasy elements.
A student of Eastern wisdom traditions, my spirituality is often reflected in my paintings as is my love of animals and the beauty of the natural world.

Bio: Dee is a SoulCollage® facilitator and former Career Counselor. Her Dad was a Naval officer and moved the family about every 18 months when he’d get a new tour of duty. Having lived in a variety of states, climates, cultures and landscapes as a kid, Dee was eager to explore new places as an adult. After grad school in Psychology in Wash. DC and a variety of unfulfilling jobs, she headed west to CO seeking adventure and mountains to ski. The natural beauty of the landscapes inspired creativity and Dee became an avid photographer. She married and lived in Morrison for 22 years. Artwork was focused on helping her children with school projects, scouting and crafts. Dee didn’t discover the joy of painting until her 60’s when she attended a social; ”Paint and Sip” night with friends. She presently lives in Madison, WI


Artistic Work