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Rebecca Angeles

Madison, WI

Art Mediums

  • Watercolor
  • Drawing


I am a relatively new artist living in Dane County, Madison, Wisconsin. I go by the brand name of Funky Renditions — I recreate selected works of chosen masters such as Henri Matisse, Picasso, David Hockney, etc., and give it my personal spin, which hopefully, will evoke the sense of fun and joy.

I have chosen watercolor painting as my medium and execute my finished work in 8 inches by 10 inches canvas printed and framed works.

I experience refreshing fun and whimsy, which I believe are treasured visceral feelings and experiences I would like to share with my viewers also. I picture my viewers smiling after seeing my paintings and feeling good after even just a brief sweep with the images. Nothing fancy. A simple invitation to have a good time with art.

Artistic Work